Welcome to Your Hippie Brother 👋

Hippies image

Welcome to my new project! Come and join the fun :P


The goal of this website is to give you some laughter with some health tips as blog posts.

I first started the “Your Hippie Brother” website as a goof. My younger siblings have been referring to me as “their hippie brother” for quite some time now and a couple of days ago the idea of this website domain popped into my head, so I went for it.

I’m here to help bring some joy and laughter into your day while also sharing some of my “hippie kung-fu” health tips as we all battle our way thru life, especially currently.

Anyone who knows me personally will tell that I enjoy laughter and making others laugh, so join me as we joyously explore new topics and learn why my siblings gave me this great nickname, lol.


I am not a doctor.

Ten years ago, I had the great opportunity to learn from a naturopathic doctor (ND) on how to manage my own health. I have also done a lot of my own research and suggest you do too. I encourage others to explore and see what works for you as everybody’s body is different.

Also, kindly remind yourself that if someone is just out to make money off of you, then are they really helping you?

Patient Cured is customer lost image


This project wouldn’t be possible without:

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