
08 May 2021 - 4 minute read
categories: sprituality rhs tags: spirituality rhs


Now it’s time for some “real hippie” stuff. Fair warning, but this will not be for everyone so if it isn’t for you then please look away… Or keep looking, lol :)

Funny believe in yourself image

Again, for this exercise I urge you to open your mind as we learn about setting affirmations using candles… but it only works if we really believe it to be possible.

Say what?

Well, affirmations are thoughts we have that we set into existence and I am going to do my best to explain this.

Talking about Affirmation Candles

There are many different people worldwide who practice lighting a particular candle for a certain purpose or intention. These people come from all sorts of different backgrounds, have varied spiritual leanings, and can be found in a diverse array of religions. The lighting of a candle symbolizes bringing light to our wishes or desires. Some light a candle as a prayer for peace or a request for healing. Some Christians believe lighting a candle is the light of Christ. Many people with different beliefs use candles.

How many of you blow out the candles on your birthday cake while you make your wish asyou celebrate your life? We all do and that is like setting an affirmation or intention. Think “Candle Magic” :)

Light that candle already

Here are the steps I take when I light an affimation candle and set an intention. Remember that people have different methods for this as well, so you might find another method that resonates with you better.

  1. I clear my mind of any negativity or negative thoughts.
  2. Then I light a tea-light candle as I say out loud my intention while focusing on it.
  3. Then I do the same thing for other intentions with their own separate candles.
  4. Then the tea-lights will eventually go out or you can put them out later if leaving your home.

For an intention, you can set whatever you want. Nothing like “plz make me rich” or “plz make this coin moon”, or anything material like that, even though I guess you could if that’s what you think would help you.

I mean something more like “Please send love, light, and healing energy to my friend or family member to help them feel better soon” or “Please help guide me to have an extremely productive day”. These are two which I use, but it can be anything. I encourage you to explore the concept of intentions and find what works for you.


I suggest looking for tea-light candles at Walmart (of all places) as you can get around 100 candles for around $4. I then get my matches at a dollar store. You can find tea-lights at a dollar store, but you typically get 16 candles for $1, so at that price you get around 33% more by getting the 100 pack at Walmart. Anyhow, I do math stuff for those who know me.

Let’s learn more

I, myself, am fairly new to information related to this topic. Above I discussed how I use candle magic & how it helps me and others. I’m excited to learn more with our readers as we explore this further.

I found this page from a web search titled Candle Magic for Intention Setting that looked like a good result. I really like the quote on their page:

“On a symbolic level, a candle embodies the five elements: earth, water, air, fire and spirit. The wick and base signify earth and are vital for keeping the flame steady. The wax, which transforms from a solid to a liquid and then to a gas, emulates the transmutational properties of the water element. Oxygen, representative of air, is crucial for both keeping the flame lit and extinguishing it. Then there’s the flame, which is a direct connection to fire—the element of transformation and rebirth. Fire also represents passion and governs our willpower. And lastly, the fifth element, spirit, which is us when we focus our intention into the candle and infuse it with our soul and energy.” (Naima Abdi)

Now that’s some real hippie sh.t right there! I also really like that their method is different than what I’m doing and I look forward to trying their method out sometime soon. Again, find what works for you by trying different things.

Articles about affirmations

I thought this was a good little write-up about other methods. I also owe them some credit as I used some of their material on this page.


I enjoyed sharing this real hippie sh.t with you all & I hope you enjoyed. Always check back or join me on Mastodon for more hippie stuff.

  • Funny “believe” image from Meme Guy
  • Say what animated gif from Tenor