Our First Post

13 Mar 2021 - 2 minute read
categories: intro dental tags: dental gratitude


I Am Rich In Health image

Welcome to my new creation! The goal of this website is to help you enjoy a healthier life and to get some laughs in as well. Remember that we have to be grateful for what we do have.

Let’s begin

Common household hydrogen peroxide brown bottle

I was making a homemade Hydrogen Peroxide mouthwash solution last night when I first came up with this new funny website domain idea, so our first post will explore how to make this. You can use a common Hydrogen Peroxide brown bottle (pictured above) which is found in most stores.

What I typically use for my mouthwash solution:

  • teaspoon to a tablespoon of Hydrogen Peroxide
  • fill most of the glass with water
  • can optionally add some himalayan or other salt if needed/wanted

Then we stir that up. Then we swish some in our mouth, gargle with it and then we do not swallow it and spit it out when we are done. I use small amounts and keep swishing and spitting out until I’ve use the whole glass of solution.

I would also add that I don’t use this mouthwash everyday and would urge those to explore “oil pulling” techniques, which I will write a future blog post about.

Let’s learn more

I looked around and came across this Dentist office’s website which lists some other tips on how to use Hydrogen Peroxide which I was not aware of.

Hope you enjoyed the dental health tips. More hippie stuff on the way :)

Image credits

image source of above affirmation