
13 Jun 2021 - 5 minute read
categories: dental tags: dental


Lyrics of Bush’s Song “Glycerine”

Funny enough but everytime I hear the word “glycerine” I always think of the band Bush which my sister was really into growing up. I’m actually surprised that the band still plays together today. I only remember “glycerine” from that song, hah.

Why Glycerine?

Why all this “glycerine talk” then? Well, over the years I have tried many different toothpastes and have learned that glycerine is not good for your . This is briefly further explained here in this excerpt from the book titled “Cure Tooth Decay” written by Ramiel Nagel. It’s a pretty powerful book which I recommend to others. There is all sorts of great information in it. One of our local farms has books you can checkout from their library and they have not just one but two copies of this book.

The inspiration for this blog post is from both my friend Steve (who also picked up the above book recently) and from my cousin as they have both asked me about whether or not vegetable-based (and not animal-based) glycerine was okay for your teeth or not. I’ve been using glycerine-free toothpastes for many years now, so I honestly do not know and in this post we will find out the truth together.

What exactly is vegetable-based glycerine?

When we search around the web to find out, we learn the following:

  1. We see at Dr. Axe’s site “topical use of this compound can improve dry skin conditions and even boost epidermal barrier function (a key aspect of optimal skin health)".
  2. It’s a “skin conditioner that helps keep skin soft and supple”.
  3. It’s a “byproduct of soap manufacturing”.
  4. It can bring “benefits for use on dog skin”.
  5. It is “often added to shampoos and provides health benefits, such as moisturized and resilient skin and improved hydration”.

This does not sound like something I want to put on my teeth! But they say it’s good for your skin, so only glycerine with soap products. I just read the ingredients on a soap bar from a local apothecary here and it has vegetable-based glycerine, so I’m using it without realizing it and you might be too. And let’s not forget nitro-glycerine, as in explosives, so that’s a little extreme.

What about that glycerine-free toothpaste then?

I started that quest the same way many of you might have also with your toothpaste sampling, to start with a fluoride-free toothpaste. I leave that as an activity to the reader if you’re not clear on why fluoride might not be great for your body.

A couple of years ago, I started having some teeth pain, so I scheduled an appointment with a biological (or “natural”) dentist as I felt they were the best option. Unfortunately, they wanted more than the cost of a new house to “help me”. I can’t afford their ridiculousness, so I went to go find my own answers as I am very accustomed to doing so. Again, a patient cured is a customer lost.

I then learned about the book “Cure Tooth Decay”. This book was written by a concerned father when his five year old daughter started to have tooth decay, so he went on to find out why and how to fix it. I have read most of this book and need to re-visit it soon for a refresher, but it’s an awesome book. I suggest you check out some of book’s excerpts if you’re not certain, such as this one about raw milk helping or this one about colodial silver helping with tooth decay. He also includes information from Weston A. Price, whose research was fundamental to understanding nutrition. They still carry on health truth thru a foundation in his name.

The toothpaste brands in my home currently

The three (3) following different toothpastes are currently in my bathroom. I suggest any of these three brands of glycerine-free toothpaste as I have been using MyMagicMud for quite a while now, even before they made their toothpastes, but have recently discovered and been primarily enjoying Uncle Harry’s - I suggest you try different ones and see what you enjoy. Also please share any you have discovered that you find to be great as I always love learning from others.

  1. MyMagicMud toothpaste - I started using them when they just made the tooth powder, but now they have all sorts of different types of toothpastes. This one can be messy for kids, because of the charcoal, so you might go with Earthpaste for the kids. All the toothpastes I’ve had from them have been great, so I suggest you go with what flavor you will enjoy and try not to make a mess.
  2. Uncle Harry’s - This is my new favorite. It is very unique, as it comes in a jar instead of a tube and it uses different essential oils, so you don’t need as much on your toothbrush. It is clay based, but I’ve been enjoying it.
  3. Earthpaste - This brand makes flavors without charcoal so the kids won’t make a mess. I’ve only tried the lemon twist and have yet to try other flavors.

Let’s learn more

Well, we learned about “glycerine” and glycerine-free toothpaste and why you might try it out… that’s all unless I can think of something for this section :)


I enjoyed sharing these hippie health tips with you as much as I hope you enjoyed them. Always check back or join me on Mastodon for more hippie stuff :)

  • Song Lyrics Image of Bush’s Glycerine from Song Lyric Designs, which sells wall art with lyrics

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