
02 May 2022 - 4 minute read
categories: spirituality rhs tags: spirituality rhs


My Guardian Angel

I’ll preface this with telling you all that I’m not religious, but do belive in Angels. Most religions or faiths have information about forms of Angels in them. Also, we each have our own guardian angels. This post was inspired from a beginner’s book on Angels that I have been reading.

Let’s begin

I started to learn more about Angels after I dated a woman who knew about these things. My first exposure to it was for her to tell me that I can always call on Archangel Saint Michael when I misplace or lose something and that he would help me find it. I remember first doing so many years ago and was amazed that it was working. I suggest you try it next time you have that same issue, and believe that he will help you.

The List of Angels

I’ve been reading this book by Richard Webster, which has been enjoyable, and also what inspired me to write this post. I wanted to keep track of, as well as share, what Angels people can call upon to specifically help them with certain topics. We can all benefit from this.


There are 4 big archangels, which are the highest Angels. I encourage you to explore what that means on your own. Also, anyone can ask for help from an Archangel and they are required to always will help you.

Angel Name Element Direction Why you would ask for their help
Michael Fire South You need guidance, protection, or inspiration to action once you’ve face your fears
Raphael Air East You need additional vitality and energy or are involved in a creative endeavour; also provides healing, inspiration, wholeness, and unity
Gabriel Water West You need confidence or help in handling your emotions or if you feel anxious; provides guidance, inspiration, freedom from doubt and fears
Uriel Earth North You need grounding; provides peace and tranquility, transformation, the gift of prophecy, insight, and prosperity

Other Archangels

This book also discusses “other” archangels, which I found fascinating, and here is a table with that info:

Angel Name Why you would ask for their help
Anael Anything involving love, romance, sexuality, harmony, and peace; also helps people overcome shyness and gain confidence in themselves
Cassiel Helps you learn patience and do whatever is necesary to overcome your problems and difficulties
Chamuel You need more strength, courage, determination, and persistence
Jeremiel He brings matters that have been hiddne out into the open
Jophiel Loves beauty; encourages all forms of creativity; patron angel of artists
Metatron You need to think deeply or need to build up your self-esteem
Raguel For help whenever you have difficulties with others, especially children or young people
Raziel For help whenever you have a major problem to resolve
Remiel For help whenever you need calm, peace, and harmony in your life
Sariel Willing to help people who want to learn; willing to assist with healing
Zadkiel iYou need more joy and fun in your life; help you improve your memory; can help with any legal or financial problems

But wait, there’s more

There are even more lists of different angels in this book. If you want to learn more, then I suggest you pick up a copy of this great book. Maybe I’ll write a part two of his post with more another lists - we’ll see.

Let’s learn more

For those who know me, I believe in morals and morality. This means that I believe in both Justice and Truth. I did a Statepage web search for “Angel of Justice” and then one for “Angel of Truth”. Well the former search was clear that Raguel was considered the “Angel of Justice”. The other search was not so clear on who the “Angel of Truth” really was, so let’s focus on what we did find.

I found this decent article titled “Possible Signs of the Angel Raguel’s Presence” about Raguel. It labels Archangel Raguel as the angel of justice and harmony. It discusses how Raguel helps bring justice to unjust situations and how he is a leader within the group of angels known as principalities; which are famous for helping people create order in their lives.

Please feel free to contact me if you’d like to share anything with me about this topic. We can all learn together.


I enjoyed sharing what I’m reading with you as much as I hope you enjoyed this post. Always check back or join me on Mastodon for more hippie stuff :)

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