
28 Mar 2022 - 4 minute read
categories: health tags: health



Traditionally, “I and I” (which is pronounced “eye an’ eye”) is a Rastafarian term referring to the oneness of Jah (Rastafari for their “God”) in every person. This term reinforces the Rastafarian belief that Jah exists in all people, and everyone exists as one people unified by Jah. I believe in us all being one people and, as physical people, we need Iodine in our diet. I’m guessing that many people are not getting the amount they really need.

Let’s begin

Before the last decade, I was not even aware that I did not get enough iodine in my diet, other than I thought, like most people do, that I got plenty of it from my salt. I later learned that this is not true.

What I’ve learned

I’ve learned that one point in time, all bread and bread products were made using Iodine, which did give the population then a decent source of Iodine. Well, this recipe over time changed to be Bromine instead of Iodine. Problem with Bromine is that it actively reduces Iodine absorbancy in the human body. Also, the iodized salt does not have enough for your diet.

You have two choices, take a supplement or you can add foods to your diet that have Iodine. Seaweed is a good source and there are all sorts of different foods you can try out.

What I do

I enjoy raw milk, which has some iodine, but my source is via a supplement. There are two main types of Iodine supplements I have come across: One in tablet form and the other in liquid form.

  • If you prefer liquids (which is what I do), then my favorite brand is J Crow’s Lugol’s Solution. They have been around since 1829 and I have been happy for the last 10 years, so give them a try.
  • If you prefer tablets, then a good brand is Iodoral


I’ve been using the 2% liquid solution and it’s 3 drops in a glass of water every morning. The equivilant in the 5% liquid solution is 1 drop.

Again, not a doctor here, but I learned from a doctor that if we supplement with the right amount of iodine (based on our age and body weight) that it can help to better overall health. I’ve found an Oregon State University article with a chart of Recommended Dietary Allowance from this source [1].

I’ve also found an excerpt from the book “Folk Medicine” by Dr. Jarvis on the J. Crow website about dosing. Interesting book about Vermont natural medicine passed down thru the generations. I have never tried mixing iodine with apple cider vinegar, as the excerpt suggests, but that might be interesting to try. I just drink my dose with my morning beverage.

I suggest you figure out what works for your body as we are all different. There is information and studies above to help you in your journey to better health.

Why Iodine?

I forgot to write up the big why…

If we look at Dr Axe’s website, he lists 8 benefits of Iodine which are listed below.

  1. Controls Metabolic Rate
  2. Maintains Optimal Energy Levels
  3. Helps Prevent Certain Kinds of Cancer
  4. Removes Toxic Chemicals
  5. Boosts Immunity
  6. Forms Healthy and Shiny Skin
  7. Prevents Enlarged Thyroid Gland
  8. Helps Prevent Impaired Development and Growth in Children

I suggest you read more in-depth about those on Dr Axe’s website.

Let’s learn more

Having trouble coming up with a let’s learn more together section here, but feel to contact me with an idea or I will update this when I have an idea of something to explore.


I enjoyed sharing these hippie health tips with you as much as I hope you enjoyed them. Always check back or join me on Mastodon for more hippie stuff :)
